LINKED CAT+ Explore half a century of knowledge production at the Academy

The Proceedings of the Austrian Academy of Sciences from the first 50 years can be virtually discovered and explored with a new web application.

The Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) was established in 1847 as a learned society in the tradition such as the Royal Society in England and the Academié de Sciences in France. As such the OeAW has been an important forum for the production and communication of scholarly knowledge for over 150 years.

The two major divisions, mathematics and natural sciences (mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse) and humanities and the social sciences (philosophisch-historische Klasse), of the Austrian Academy of Sciences convened in Vienna with scholars presenting their findings in the printed proceedings of the Academy from 1848 on.

The main objective of this project was to bring the first half century of this unique forum to life, by making the communication within this forum accessible, discoverable and reusable. Our three pillars are: open, linked and visual.

Project Team

Project Manager: Sibylle Wentker (OeAW)

Project Partners: Open Knowledge Maps, ACDH-CH (OeAW)

Project Staff: Katharina Chochole, Andreas Krexhammer (OeAW, BAS:IS), Yukiko Sakabe (OeAW, BAS:IS)

Project by: BAS:IS - Bibliothek, Archiv, Sammlungen: Information & Service (OeAW)

Start date: 
End date: 
Publisher Person: 
Sibylle Wentker
Open Access
Person name: 
Sibylle Wentker
Is contact: 
API Output Type: